Energy & Infrastructure
[within biophysical limits]
Research Aims
Quantify the ecological costs and benefits of sustainability-oriented energy and infrastructure shifts.
Develop environmental assessment techniques that account for feedback effects from increasing affluence and efficiency.
Frame all research questions in the context of global ecological change and the biophysical limits of our one shared planet.
Describe the policy implications of our research findings.
Research Highlights
Mulrow, J., Bozeman, J. F., Pai, S., Grubert, E., & Derrible, S. (2023). Energy-Material Cycles: A materials-based perspective of vehicle energy systems. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 196, 107039.
Mulrow, J., & Grubert, E. (2023). Greenhouse gas emissions embodied in electric vehicle charging infrastructure: A method and case study of Georgia, US 2021–2050. Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 3(1), 015013.
Mulrow, J., Gali, M., & Grubert, E. (2021). The cyber-consciousness of environmental assessment: How environmental assessments evaluate the impacts of smart, connected, and digital technology. Environmental Research Letters, 17(1), 013001.
LeFever, S., & Mulrow, J. (2024). Do eco-labels accurately convey environmental benefits? A critical assessment of corporate sustainability indexing methods. Purdue Spring Undergraduate Research Conference 2024.
Mulrow, J., Jensen, A., & Horen-Greenford, D. (2024). The Affluence–Technology Connection in the Struggle for Sustainability. in Exploring Environmental Violence: Perspectives, Experience, Expression, and Engagement. Cambridge University Press.
Abazeri M., Mulrow, J., & Ajl, M. (2024). A Degrowth Perspective on Environmental Violence. in Exploring Environmental Violence: Perspectives, Experience, Expression, and Engagement. Cambridge University Press.
Valle, J., Maïga, N., Krishnan, R., Ng, J., & Mulrow, J. (2023). Reconfigurations of Life Cycle Assessment: Valuing Life over Lithium. 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
Bhattacharjee, T., & Mulrow, J. (2024). Rebound effect of decarbonization projects: A methodology to analyze CDP data. CEE 29th Environmental Engineering and Science Symposium. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
Research Group
We work together to advance environmental assessment of energy and infrastructure systems.
Environmental science and engineering courses, past and present.
Degrowth Coffee Hour
A colloquium for environmental researchers to discuss and debate post-growth pathways to sustainability.
Limits to Green
A webcomic about the social and ecological challenges of emerging technology and sustainability trends.